Pickleball and wind. They go together like booze and text messaging an ex.

Half of the year I play indoors. There is no wind. And I love that aspect of it. I can hit the baseline on my serve about 98% of the time because, well, not to repeat myself, but there’s no wind.

The other half of the year I play outdoors. Which I love.

Until the wind picks up.

then I hate hate hate it.

Can I say hate enough times to give you the hint how much I hate playing pickleball in the wind?

I cannot control Mother Nature although trust, me I would, if I could.

I cannot so I must instead, become one with the wind on the courts.

I will: Embrace the Wind

Wind is an invisible force can disrupt a game even with just a 5-10mph breeze.

And since the wind is a factor you can’t escape (and bocci is too boring to turn to) … let’s learn to adapt and play with it.

Playing Against the Wind

When the wind is blowing into your face, it might seem like a disadvantage, but it can actually work in your favor.

Hitting a drop shot into the kitchen is easier when facing the wind. You can aim higher, clearing the net, and the wind will bring the ball down at your opponent’s feet.

  • Play slower, favoring drop shots.
  • Take more balls out of the air at the kitchen line.
  • Let more balls go out.

Playing With the Wind

When the wind is at your back, you have a different advantage. This is the time to play fast and use your power shots.

Your drives and speed-ups will be more effective with the wind’s assistance, gaining extra velocity and giving your opponent less time to react. Just be careful not to overdo it and send the ball sailing past the court.

  • Play faster, favoring drive shots.
  • Let balls land in the kitchen instead of overextending for volleys.
  • Be prepared to play every lob and drive from your opponent, as they are more likely to stay in bounds thanks to the wind.

I need to get more zen with the wind. Let it guide my strategy. If it’s against me, play a slower game. If it’s at my back, shift into the fast lane and take advantage of the extra power.

I may never love the wind, but at least I can come to a truce with it.

I hope you can too 🙂


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