Sore boobs on the pickleball courts? Oh baby girl, we hear ya!

Got boob pain or more specifically stabbing nipple pain? Read on girlfriend, read on!

{Okay, so any guys who read this blog have made a bee line for the door right?}

It’s just us pickleball lovin’ chicks now.


Some topics are really “just for us” … and sore nipples on the court is one of them.

According to the boob experts at The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine; pain, stinging, chaffing and even bleeding (damn!) in the nipple isn’t uncommon among those of us humans who have to strap on a sports bra to keep the girls in check during play.

It happened to me this week and all I can say is “Ouchy- momma-ouch!”.

Happily the boob experts over at the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine have some PickleballChick approved expert advice for all of us and all of our nips:


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