Want to be a PickleballChicks local host?

Here’s what you need to know!

Local Hosts help more Chicks have more fun on more pickleball courts!

I can’t be everywhere at one time and even though I’ve tried I also can’t divide myself into 10, as much as I’d love to…

So I’m always looking for fun, friendly chicks to run PickleballChick events in their neighborhoods!

I know what you’re thinking, “Whoa Sharon, what is PickleballChicks, what is a local host and what would I have to do?”

I hear ya sister … let me lay it out for you…

What is PickleballChicks?

PickleballChicks is a chicks-only pickleball event group. We’re all about creating and delivering wildly fun, friendly, safe and supportive events with our distinct vibe! (Wondering what our vibe is? Check out our homepage!)

What is a PickleballChicks local host?

  • A local host is a cool Chick who runs PickleballChicks events at their local courts.
  • They are our feet on the ground boss and our representative.
  • They follow our PickleballChick format and vibe
  • They get a ton of support from us here at Chicks HQ and become part of our Local Host network!

I know your next question:

If I’m doing all that, what does PickleballChicks do?

We do the logistics and the promotion. This means we book courts, create and manage the player registration process (if needed) and promote your event so you get lots of Chicks out!

If you’re not sure what events to run, we can help you with ideas that we know Chicks love. Some events will be simple drop ins and others are full blown tournaments.

We share the love with you ๐Ÿ™‚

And because our local hosts are awesome, we celebrate you as our local host so you get tons of love ๐Ÿ™‚

You may ask — why would I run an event as a PickleballChick event instead of just a Ladies Event.

Good question!

Ladies events are just, well, ladies events. And that’s cool, but they aren’t PickleballChick events. Big difference!

PickleballChick events are way more than just a pickleball event, tournament or DUPR day. They’re a vibe, a feeling, a celebration! Once you’ve been to one, you know!

Maybe you’re intrigued about being a local host … if you are, read below for a more concise description of what you would do as a local host and what we will do for you.

If you get jazzed by our vibe and you like what you read, email me and we’ll set up a time to chat about you becoming our next local host!

Thank you for your interest in being a PickleballChicks local host – I thank you and the Chicks thank you!

Sharon Ricci, Founder PickleballChicks


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