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What first time PickleballChicks have to say about our vibe.

Pickleball can be a funny sport. One day you feel like you’re on top of the world crushin’ it and the next day you feel like, geez, this paddle would make a good door stop.

In my experience, my mood is determined by the way I play but what really heats or cools my vibe is the people I’m playing with. If their vibe is cool and uplifting, I’m cool and uplifted! If the vibe is chilly (the opposite of cool) and judgey, my vibe takes a nose dive and you’ll most likely see me at Steak ‘n Shake (if I’m in the US) or Swiss Chalet (if I’m in Canada) drowning my sorrows in a plate of fries.

Lotsa chicks want events that make us feel uplifted and joyful and that’s what i set out to create with PickleballChicks: Pickleball games and pickleball tournaments with a positive, fun, friendly, safe and supportive vibe.

The question was, “Is it working?”

I put my research boots on the ground and asked a few questions of the Chicks who had just competed in one of our tournaments.

I wanted to know if they were feeling the pickleball love or if it was just me (lol that would be awkward!). Here’s what the Chicks chirped:

Love it, my first ever tournament. Going to be a tough act to follow. Fantastic day, thank you

Was amazingly organized! Social! Would love to have information on what it would take for Pickleball Chicks to host a future tournament in my town!

There were so many nice people and Sharon‘s introduction and speech was funny, effective and helped set the tone for a very fun event. It was run so efficiently and there was good competition.

It’s my first tournament! Great experience but new to me was outdoor courts, outdoor ball and rally scoring. I realize the importance of me playing in different places and both indoor and outdoor! I’m looking forward to working on these things to improve! I’m looking forward to playing in more tournaments!

Feedback from Canadian Chicks after their first PickleballChicks event

Looks like we got the vibe right. And that is what PickleballChicks is all about!


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