Logo of DUPR and PickleballChicks

Can DUPR be SUPR fun? Yes, yes it can be when PickleballChicks is the host.

Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating (DUPR) is great for helping you know your pickleball skill level so you can arrange well-matched games. And well-matched games, well they’re as close to heaven as you can get on a pickleball court right? Right!

A DUPR rating is also good for knowing which bracket to join at tourneys but even if you’re never going to be a tournament gal, DUPR is a great thing to have under your belt.

The reality is that DUPR can feel SUPR scary for lots of ladies.

But happy news 🙂

When you play DUPR events with the PickleballChicks you’re guaranteed a good time.

What makes a PickleballChicks DUPR event different?

For one we don’t bullsh*t and make DUPR seem SUPR difficult. It’s not.

I’ve heard too many players share info on DUPR that’s just plain wrong … you don’t need 30 games for a rating. You don’t need to go to a bootcamp or a camp to get rated. You don’t, you don’t, you don’t.

At PickleballChicks we have our own awesome DUPR rep (Hi Johnnie!!), so we’re in the know when it comes to DUPR and what you really need to do to get started.

Let’s say you don’t have a DUPR account and perhaps you’re totally in the dark DUPR wise.

No worries. The Chicks are here for you.

Arrive at one of our PickleballChick DUPR events and fall into the helpful, friendly hands of one of our local hosts.

They’ll help you get registered on DUPR.

They’ll help you join our digital DUPR club (PickleballChicks).

Then they’ll set you up on a court for your first DUPR game.

And then, vioila, they submit your score on the DUPR app and within minutes you’ll have your DUPR rating.

I mean simple right?


And then, with your rating now live, you’ll be included in more DUPR games that day. Scores are submitted in real time to DUPR and you’ll actually see your DUPR score rise and fall. There’s a reason the word “DYNAMIC” is in DUPR! It’s not static … your rating goes up and down…it flows 🙂

The trick is to play lots of games.

Against lots of different people.

The more DUPR games you play and submit, the more accurate and reliable your DUPR score.

Here’s the rub. I’ve heard of players not wanting to play DUPR games because they’re tired. They’ll tell you they went to Wal-Mart and then lunch and then they babysat the grandkids. So they’re too tired for a DUPR game.

I say, if you’re on the court playing, you can play a DUPR game or two, or three.

Play DUPR games when you’re tired, when you’re alert. When you’re on your game and when nothing is working for you.

Here’s why:

You want your DUPR games to be a reflection of YOU as you actually are.

Not some fantasy YOU who is always well rested and fresh as a daisy.

Not YOU on only your very best game days. ]

No, show DUPR the real you. The one who crushes it. The one who wins games. And also, the one who puts it into the net. Serves it out of bounds. And loses games.

And best of all, find new players to play DUPR games with.

Your DUPR is just a reflection of the the level of player you are. It needs data points from all kinds of games to be accurate.

And an accurate DUPR helps you find well-matched games where apples play apples and oranges play oranges.

I’m stoked about DUPR and I hope I can help you get stoked on it too. Remember, I’m all about helping Chicks put their hand up, compete and become more confident, connected and fearless. The world, as we know, needs more fearless chicks. And maybe, just maybe, being more confident on the pickleball courts is a step in the right direction.

We offer weekly DUPR events in The Villages, Florida and are looking at events here in Ontario. Stay tuned 🙂


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